

Hexagon templates – either blank or filled in by teacher
A3 (or larger) paper

How it works:

Hexagons are an excellent tool for linking up learning and evaluating the end of a topic to see how ideas are linked/connected together, enabling the students to see the bigger picture. 

The idea is to not link the hexagons up in a long chain e.g. as this doesn't show how a number of ideas are connected particularly well.

The nature of the shape allows each of the edges to be connected with another hexagon to show how a number of different ideas are linked together.

E.g. To challenge and extend the student’s learning you can mask them to provide explanations at the point at which two hexagons meet to indicate how the two ideas are linked. 

If the activity is done on A3 (or larger paper) then this can be written around the hexagons when the hexagons are stuck down – this is a great revision tool to evaluate a topic or series of lessons.

Here is a link to David Didaus blog- about Hexagonal Learning. (@LearningSpy)


Try using Flexagons!! 



Guest post by www.twitter.com/franloxley

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