
Click here for PowerPoint with all the info!

What to do:

I have used this and implemented it into four key reading skills for my classes. 

The reading skills are very simple and cover the basics/foundations of reading. 

F = FIND AND RETRIEVE the appropriate information

A = ANALYSE key parts of the quote/phrases (INFERENCE)

I = Identify different LANGUAGE, STRUCTURE and PUNCTUATION and Identify and explain the CONNOTATIONS AND JUSTIFICATION

L = LINK TOGETHER TO MAKE DETAILED SYNTHESIS of information and inferences.


Students could teach their findings back to the class?
Could be implemented into science experiments. E.g. 'Find and Retrieve the correct equipment', 'Analyse your prediction' etc.
Maths - Students 'find' the correct answer, 'Analyse' how they got that answer/mistakes they made along the way etc.

Guest post.

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